What will a third term for Indian PM Narendra Modi mean for India and the world?

 INTO INDIA had three big reactions to the Indian elections:

1) Democracy is alive and well in India; 650 million votes cast over a 6 week election process – truly a remarkably strong democracy!

2) Indians want jobs, jobs, and jobs; this is why manufacturing has become so central to India’s economy – the swing away from the ruling BJP suggests PM Modi has to do more on jobs.

3) the Indian voter will expect the government to keep growing the economy – and show why that is a benefit for all Indians.

The only other Indian Prime Minister to win three five-year terms was the first – PM Nehru.

This has been a much closer election than predicted – and probably has given the ruling BJP and PM Modi much to think about. Of course, INTO INDIA notes that long term office holders generally face an anti-incumbency mood.

Congrats to Indian PM Narendra Modi – we have always called him ACTION MAN and in his third term he will need to maintain the action.

We expect a big focus this term on manufacturing, physical infrastructure, digital infrastructure and energy transition.